Investment opportunities in Washington State.
Washington State offers savvy investors a range of foreign direct investment opportunities.
While U.S. policies are ever-changing, investing in Washington State is a no-brainer. With thoughtful leadership at the state level and a high-growth economy, the window of opportunity to invest in Washington has never been better. Investors can get in on the ground floor, investing in businesses throughout the state that are poised to quickly recover from the global pandemic, growing and expanding exponentially. With its reputation as a world-class center of commerce with an emphasis on exports and international business, Washington makes sense as a smart place to invest.
Following are some resources to help you learn more about Washington State investment opportunities.
Washington’s tax structure provides you with many advantages as an investor in the state’s diverse economy.
Washington offers businesses an array of industry-specific tax incentives, exemptions, deferrals and credits to reduce your tax burden and spur growth and expansion.
Washington State has an international reputation for excellence in its workforce, which is highly trained, highly experienced and ready to contribute to your bottom line.
Foreign Owned Firms
More than 800 multinational firms are in Washington, employing more than 160,000 workers.
Key Sectors
Aerospace, agriculture/food manufacturing, clean technology, forest products, information and communication technology, life science/global health and maritime serve as the state’s major areas of focus.
For those seeking a pathway to permanent residency through an investment, the U.S. government offers the Immigrant Investor Program, or EB-5.
Foreign Direct Investment Program
Commerce’s Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Program is a targeted marketing and investment attraction tool designed to leverage the state’s robust network nationally and overseas to facilitate investment introductions between international investors and Washington projects.
Washington companies are encouraged to take advantage of this free, business match-making service and register for the program.
Want more information on investment opportunities in Washington State? Contact our Business Development team and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.
Office Hours
M-F: 8am - 5pm
2001 Sixth Ave., Suite 2600, Seattle, WA 98121
(206) 256-6100