milkywayWhen you think of mining asteroids in outer space you would naturally imagine searching for minerals that can be used here on earth. But one of the most valuable resources in space is water. Redmond-based Planetary Resources is launching a spacecraft with sensors to look for that most basic of elements. Water is critical to many aspects of space exploration.  Read more in the Puget Sound Business Journal.

Washington State is becoming the center of the universe for space exploration. Companies like Planetary Resources, Vulcan Aerospace, Blue Origin, Tethers Unlimited and Spaceflight are developing a variety of space technologies from reusable rockets and asteroid mining, to payload launching services and cost reduction systems for space missions. And outer space leaders such as SpaceX and Aerojet Rocketdyne also have significant development centers in Washington that tap into the wealth of high-tech experience and innovation in our aerospace and software ecosystem.

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