The fusion of science, technology, engineering and math are becoming increasingly critical skills to enable the next generation workforce to tackle world challenges. In Washington State innovative partnerships and collaborations have produced groundbreaking solutions to tough problems.
Recognizing the importance of a creative thinking and highly skilled workforce of the future, Microsoft has invested in a unique partnership between the University of Washington and China’s preeminent technology institution, Tsinghua University of Beijing. Students in the new Global Innovation Exchange will address the role that science and technology can play in addressing issues such as climate change, energy, healthcare and urban planning among other challenges facing the world. The 15-month degree in technology innovation will bring together students, industry experts and entrepreneurs in a range of fields.
Other institutions are expected to join in this new educational initiative. A state-of-the-art facility is being built in Bellevue, Washington to open in 2016.
Read more in The Seattle Times and TechTimes.
Washington State’s research institutions have a long history of creating the next generation of engineers, scientists and problem solvers.