softwarejobsThe 2016 report by ranks Seattle again this year as a great place for software engineers, data analysts and other tech employees to work. Adjusting for cost of living differences and salaries offered, Seattle ranks higher than well-known tech hubs such as San Francisco, Denver, Chicago and Silicon Valley. Read more on’s report in Geekwire. Also read about’s comparison of software engineer salaries in tech hubs across the country.

Washington State has more than 313,000 technology-based workers including 107,098 software and computer services engineers and 34,898 employees in internet and telecommunications services. The game design and development community includes more than 300 companies, the highest concentration in the U.S., generating $9.7 billion in revenue annually. And, Washington has 4x the national average in mobile apps jobs.

With its pioneering spirit and culture of collaboration, Washington State tech firms continue to set the standard in e-commerce, cloud computing, mobile apps, game development and the emerging field of virtual reality. And add to that Washington State’s exceptional quality of life, pristine outdoor recreational opportunities, vibrant arts and cultural community and experience dynamic urban and rural lifestyles.

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