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A recipe for success.

A recipe for success.

In the world of business, Ellenos Yogurt is about as close one can get to being an actual overnight. The night before it opened for business, the company didn’t even have a name. Finally, the founders settled on a made-up word, combining Hellinic (which means Greek)...

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Disrupting the race to space.

Disrupting the race to space.

Washington-based Spaceflight Industries is hardly resting on its laurels following its launch of 64 satellites aboard a SpaceX Falcon rocket in December. The company’s record-breaking launch has caused Morgan Stanley analysts to dub the Spaceflight Industries an...

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Boeing employment grows in Washington.

Boeing employment grows in Washington.

Boeing’s record production rates and backlog of orders is having a spillover effect on employment. The company announced that it hired 8,500 new workers in Washington in 2018.When retirements and departures are factored in, this represents a net increase of 3,984...

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An electrifying choice in maritime.

An electrifying choice in maritime.

LAVLE USA, Inc. has announced that Anacortes, Washington will be the site of its new North American headquarters. The joint venture is focused on combining advanced energy storage technologies from Japanese battery company 3DOM with the latest in marine engineering to...

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A big gamble with a big payoff.

A big gamble with a big payoff.

Local economic developers must have had one heck of a crystal ball back in 1968 when the Port of Tacoma purchased 500 acres in Frederickson for $1.6 million. They hoped to one day turn the acreage into an industrial center, a major hub for manufacturing and...

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From trash to treasure.

From trash to treasure.

Experts estimate that 28 billion pounds of plastic are dumped into our oceans every year. Some predict there could be more plastic than fish by 2050.The Million Waves Project hopes to turn some of that pollution into prosthetics. Approximately 40 million people in...

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A labor of loaf.

A labor of loaf.

Mmm, the smell of fresh bread. Just like mom used to make. The operative words here are "mom" and "used to."A Washington company has unveiled a new breadmaking robot that can crank out 10 loaves of fresh bread an hour. No human required.Debuted at the Consumer...

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Washington gets another slice of Apple.

Washington gets another slice of Apple.

Apple continues to grow by leaps and bounds. As part of its broader national expansion, the company announced that it would double the size of its Washington workforce, adding 500 new employees to its engineering offices in the Seattle area.The announcement also means...

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Washington’s first Creative District.

Washington’s first Creative District.

It’s official! Edmonds, Washington is the state’s first Certified Creative District. The announcement was made by Gov. Jay Insee during the annual Governor’s Arts and Heritage Awards.The designation is designed to encompass a specific geographic area that is defined...

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Those seven minutes of terror.

Those seven minutes of terror.

Landing a spacecraft on Mars has been something of a hit and miss affair. The thin atmosphere inability to send commands in real time to correct problems means half of all missions have missed their mark, crashing into the surface. Small wonder engineers and support...

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A new winery asks, wine not?

A new winery asks, wine not?

The Red Mountain American Viticultural Area is one of the premier growing regions in Washington State. Grapes often fetch three times the price of other grapes on the market. So imagine the eyebrows that raised when Aquilini Red Mountain Vineyards announced that they...

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