When it comes to being hygge, the number crunchers at Sperlings.com have spoken. The greater Seattle area captured #1 honors in the nation, dusting every other major city in four main categories – cozy weather, hygge pastimes, hygge venues and homes with fireplaces.
In case you’re not hip to hygge, it’s a very “in” thing to be right now. Pronounced hue-gah, it’s a Danish word that describes coziness and conviviality. Go ahead and Google it; we’ll wait.
It seems that Seattle is the very essence of hygge, thanks to its passions for reading books, playing board games, knitting and drinking coffee and beer. Bonus points that we have a fireplace in nearly every home.
Sperling calculated the national rankings based on average snowfall, precipitation, lowest January temperature and cloudy days. It seems that colder and shorter days are important factors in being hygge, as is having hygge-friendly hangouts like cafes, coffee houses, brew pubs and wine bars, which promote togetherness.
Sperling’s Best Places released their list of the top hygge cities in the U.S. on Wednesday, Jan. 17. Oh, Portland/Vancouver came in #2, if you’re keeping score.
Read more at Sperling.com.