Choose Washington Blog

Washington State: Centralized export hub.

Washington State is perfectly positioned as an international export and transportation hub. Seaports and airports are closer to Asia than any of the other major west coast ports. A recent report from the US Department of Commerce International Trade Administration...

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Dreams of paradise from Tommy Bahama.

Seattle-based casual wear retailer Tommy Bahama has weathered the recession by changing strategies from primarily a wholesale model to opening stores of their own and expanding their online presence. While many retailers have struggled to maintain same store sales...

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Aerospace supply chain continues to grow.

Just as major tech leaders are opening offices in Washington to take advantage of the local talent and expertise, aerospace supply chain companies are increasingly seeking space to expand operations in the epicenter of aerospace innovation. Heroux-Devtek, a Canadian...

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Airforce One: Made in Washington.

For 53 years all of the Presidents of the United States' planes have been made in Washington. As the current Airforce One fleet is scheduled for an upgrade they are once again turning to Boeing to make the specialized aircraft. The newly redesigned jetliner will be...

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From idea to reality in less than a year.

Many entrepreneurs have sketched out the next 'great idea' on the back of a napkin, but the lack of business expertise and financial resources dooms their bold idea so it remains just a dream. But all is not lost. Just look at Rebooked, a mobile appointment app...

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Fred Hutch spawns bio-tech hub.

Founded in 1975 the Fred Hutch research has brought hope to many individuals battling cancer. It has also brought life to many biotech companies that have created a vibrant bio-tech community in Washington State. Home to over 480 life sciences and global health...

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Baseball stadium goes green.

The Mariner's playfield is always green, but now the stadium itself is going green. The Mariners are the first major league baseball franchise to install LED lighting in their stadium. The switch from halide fixtures to LED lights will reduce energy consumption by 60...

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