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A quantum leap for Washington.

A quantum leap for Washington.

The potential of quantum computing is virtually unlimited, in part because it’s based on physics theories that were science fiction just a few years ago. Maryland-based IonQ plans to turn fiction into fact with a new 65,000-square-foot research and manufacturing...

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Today’s sci-fiction is tomorrow’s…

Today’s sci-fiction is tomorrow’s…

A flying boat skimming the lakes of Saturn’s Titan moon? Impossible, you say? Well, we’re sure that the lunar rover astronauts drove around the moon was pretty outlandish when Boeing proposed it to NASA in the 1960s. The uncrewed TitanAir probe was one of three...

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A labor of loaf.

A labor of loaf.

The concept of farm to table is well known across the land, but farm to oven? That’s the mission of Cairnspring Mills, a small craft flour miller in Burlington, Washington. Opened in 2017, the stone milling company is a step back in time to a pre-industrial era when...

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A big boost to cancer research.

A big boost to cancer research.

The Bezos Family Foundation has committed $710.5 million to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center over the next decade to speed up cancer and infectious disease research. The Hutch, as it is known locally, plans to use the funds to: Recruit scientific experts to work in...

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Seahawks fans have another reason to celebrate.

Seahawks fans have another reason to celebrate.

Russell Wilson’s memorable performance at Lumen Field wasn’t the only thing fans could celebrate on Monday Night Football. The home of the Seahawks also got its first Amazon Go store, where the 12s can load up on beverages and food without waiting in line to cash out....

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Five bars for T-Mobile and Starlink.

Five bars for T-Mobile and Starlink.

Two juggernauts of Washington’s economy, T-Mobile and SpaceX, are combining forces to end those frustrating days of no bars and dropped calls. Starting next year, T-Mobile hopes to “bring cellphone connectivity everywhere,” including expanded coverage to the entire...

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Reinventing caregiving.

Reinventing caregiving.

-The caregiving system – the folks who care for children, the elderly and those who are sick or disabled – needs some intensive care itself. So says a new initiative being tackled by Pivotal Ventures, founded by Melinda Gates. The Kirkland-based company has launched...

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A wireless telephone. In 1909?

A wireless telephone. In 1909?

We’d all love to think that the phone we carry in our pockets was a recent invention, but its roots can be traced all the way back to 1909. It was then that a little-known electrical whiz kid not only created the first device capable of sending voice wirelessly, but...

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Boeing snags big Delta order.

Boeing snags big Delta order.

Boeing snagged the first big order at the 2022 Farnborough Air Show and it was a doozy. Delta Air Lines agreed to purchase 100 737 MAX 10 commercial airliners with an option for 30 more. Deliveries are slated to begin in 2025. The MAX 10 is the largest of the...

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It’s a gas!

It’s a gas!

Who would have guessed that something that has no odor, no taste and no color would be the next big thing in Washington State? What’s more, it’s a pretty common leftover from the Big Bang. Nearly three-quarters of all matter in the universe is this gas, #1 on the...

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Anyone have a spare DeLorean?

Anyone have a spare DeLorean?

In the early days of space exploration, TV shows, movies and books painted a fantastical future of interplanetary spaceships powered by nuclear propulsion, able to explore the outer reaches of space for years. And while SpaceX may have the market cornered on the giant...

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