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Cloud expertise in Washington expands.

Cloud expertise in Washington expands.

Washington State is a magnet for major cloud computing companies and the eco-system that has developed around the cloud. Samsung's cloud consultant division is yet another international company that is expanding here in Washington. Business legends Amazon and...

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Microsoft strikes “gold.”

Microsoft strikes “gold.”

In just six months, the 44,000 employees at Microsoft's headquarters went through nearly 200 million pounds of packaging and food. Ordinarily, that waste would find its way to area landfills, but Microsoft has made it a priority to reduce, recycle and reuse, so much...

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Sea-Tac Airport moves toward using biofuels.

Sea-Tac Airport moves toward using biofuels.

Washington State's international commercial airport is ahead of the curve on curbing carbon emissions. Research has been ongoing to develop jet biofuels that reduce the amount of carbon emissions and yet maintain the fuel efficiency that airlines want.  Commercial...

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