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Growth puts Washington in the top 5.

Growth puts Washington in the top 5.

Business expansion. Start-up launches. Job openings across industry sectors. All are signs of a robust economy and a positive business climate that characterize Washington State. As pioneers in technology, advanced manufacturing and composite materials, commercial...

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Searching for water in space.

Searching for water in space.

When you think of mining asteroids in outer space you would naturally imagine searching for minerals that can be used here on earth. But one of the most valuable resources in space is water. Redmond-based Planetary Resources is launching a spacecraft with sensors to...

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Paper: Don’t write it off just yet.

Paper: Don’t write it off just yet.

If University of Washington researchers have their way, the paperless society will never see the light of day. Working with Disney, they have come up with a way to connect pieces of paper to the Internet, opening up a dizzying array of possibilities, from interactive...

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Washington is a natural for virtual reality.

Washington is a natural for virtual reality.

It looks like VR is well on its way to becoming the next big thing in technology. Creating virtual worlds requires a mix of tech and creative talent, and Washington State is blessed with an abundance of both. Leaders in hardware development such as Microsoft, Valve...

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Where the tech jobs are.

Where the tech jobs are.

Washington State has a broad-based tech sector and it shows in the new hiring numbers. There's been over a 2% increase in tech jobs this past year. From mobile app development and e-commerce to the growth in cloud computing Washington companies are rapidly creating...

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