Personalized retail around the globe.

Whether you purchase your morning latte in your hometown or in London or Dubai, with cloud technology the customer experience can be exactly the same. No more worries about downloading a special in-country app for mobile payment or the hassle of currency exchange....

More eyes in the sky taking images of earth.

Another company has joined the burgeoning space industry in Washington State.  San Francisco-based Planet, with offices in several other countries, has opened an engineering office in Bellevue, Washington. The company is deploying nanosatellites that create...

Cloud expertise in Washington expands.

Washington State is a magnet for major cloud computing companies and the eco-system that has developed around the cloud. Samsung’s cloud consultant division is yet another international company that is expanding here in Washington. Business legends Amazon and...

Apple grows in Washington State.

One of the leading frontiers of digital development is machine learning and artificial intelligence. The recent purchase of Washington-based company Turi by Apple could give the personal computing company a strong foothold in the emerging AI and machine learning area....

Seattle pinned by Pinterest.

Another in a very long list of  major internet players will have an office in Washington State. Pinterest has announced the opening of a satellite engineering office in a Seattle co-working space as they look for permanent digs.  Every company gives the same reasons...

Getty Images to set speed records at Rio Olympics.

The world’s eyes and cameras will be focused on Rio next month and Washington-based Getty Images plans to be ahead of the competition in getting Olympic images from camera to customer. Employing the use of robot cameras and a high tech command center to manage...